Air Cannons



Air cannons for every situation

Our patented Air Cannon Nozzles have been designed to deliver higher multiple individual air stream volumes and velocities and are capable of delivering a curtain of air measuring over 10,000fpm measured 18 inches from point of cannon discharge. You should note that we can exceed this velocity when required by the process, plus we consider velocity and impact levels at the product and not just at the nozzle discharge.

Air Force 1 patented air cannon nozzles

Our Air Cannon Nozzles are very well suited to deliver warm or cool air streams over a greater distance for the purpose of drying, stripping liquids, removing particulate, static control/cleaning, coatings control and cool-down applications.

Available in standard 2″, 4″ and 6″ diameters or custom sizes, our Air Cannon Nozzles are constructed from spun aluminum featuring an accelerator insert and machined handle with available pipe clamps for mounting. Optional abrasion and chemical resistant coatings are available, anodizing in an assortment of colours is standard.

On many blow off system applications, a combination of both Air Cannon Nozzles and Air Knives is beneficial. Individual or a series of Air Cannon Nozzles and/or Air Knife arrangement can be set in motion by means of pneumatic or motor controls. Please contact us for help designing a system to meet your blow off challenges.

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